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Henkel Adhesive Technologies

Henkel Adhesive Technologies

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Communication preferences

We, Henkel Corporation would like to personalize our digital services, retail activities and online advertising based on an analysis of your interactions with us, our websites and services (as stated under read more), to provide you and the company you are representing, with the most relevant and interesting content.

In particular, we will analyze your use of (1) our newsletter and other e-mail advertisements, (2) our websites, as well as (3) your previous interactions with us, including inquiries and complaints you have issued and purchases you have made for your company, (4) your participation in online and offline events (either hosted by us or a third party), (5) your engagement with our online advertisements on our website as well as third party websites and apps, and (6) the publicly accessible information contained in your professional social media profiles, as well as anonymize any such information in order to enable further analysis of your interactions with us without being able to attribute any such information to you.

I agree to the analysis of my personal data as described above and I want to receive personalized digital content about Henkel Adhesive Technologies, including product offers and other communications via:

I want to receive the personalized newsletter and other e-mail advertisements from you, based on the analysis of my personal data as described above providing me with personalized and up to date information on all products and proposals in the field of adhesives relevant to me and/or my company.

I want advertisements for your products and events regarding adhesives shown to me on Facebook and LinkedIn to be personalized based on the analysis of my personal data as described above. My E-Mail address and/or my user ID will be transferred to Meta Platforms Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2 Ireland and LinkedIn Corporation, 1000 W. Maude Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94085, USA for this purpose.

I want my experience of product offers, digital content and services of Henkel Corporation and online communication regarding its products and events, also on third party websites and apps, to be personalized based on the analysis of my personal data as described above. My e-mail address and/or my user ID will be transferred to marketing and advertising partners for this purpose.

You may withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future, for example by managing your communication preferences or deleting your account in the user profile, or by clicking “unsubscribe” or as otherwise described in any of our websites, emails, push notifications or text messaging, as may be applicable to you.

By clicking Create account, I agree to be bound by the Henkel Terms of Use and the Henkel Adhesives eCommerce Customer Terms and Conditions. I also acknowledge and consent to the practices described in Henkel’s Privacy PolicyConsumer Health Data Privacy Notice and CA Privacy rights.

We do not currently offer personal use accounts. Please visit to explore our extensive portfolio of LOCTITE® solutions for DIY purposes.

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