- Used as primary call-to-action color
- Sometimes for backgrounds
- Sometimes used to add extra attention
- General font color
- Used for backgrounds to create variation between insections
- Using these colors in varying combinations is an important part of the digital HAT expression
Soft blue
Soft blue light
Sage green
Sage green light
Warm grey
Warm grey light
Warm grey extra light
Neutral transparent pallette to be used as subtle divisions and effects in UI and as dividers
Dark 90%
90% #3B3B3B
Dark 66%
66% #3B3B3B
Soft blue
Soft blue light
Sage green
Sage green light
- UI feedback colors
- Used for statuses (product status, order status etc.)
Soft blue light
White typeface
- On the Red background, all typefaces should be always white
- The same rule applies to dark grey background, that’s used in the Footer
Dark typeface
- Genral and mostly used font color is Dark. This color combination applies to all backgrounds presented below the top example
Red typeface
- Red typeface is sometimes used
- Used as highlighting color for the text