Wear resistant coatings
Low friction, sprayable, easy to use, corrosion resistant
A 1-part, designed to protect, rebuild and repair processing equipment with a sprayable, ultra-smooth, low friction coating, protecting equipment from corrosion and wear.
All marks used are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Henkel and its affiliates in the US, Germany, and elsewhere.
- Description
- Technical specification
LOCTITE® PC 7255 is a low friction, sprayable, easy-to-use, ceramic-filled epoxy that offers protection against turbulence, chemical attack, abrasion, and corrosion. The high gloss, low friction coating can restore or increase pump efficiency and can be spray-applied for fast and easy application to complex geometries. It can also be used to repair and protect heat exchanges and condensers, lining tanks, pipes and chutes, resurfacing and repairing rudders and pintel housings, and resurfacing cooling pump impellers and butterfly valves.
Protects against abrasion, corrosion, and damage from turbulence
High gloss, low-friction finish
Ultra-smooth and sprayable
Can use as topcoat over LOCTITE® Wearing Compounds for applications requiring surface rebuilding/protection
- Product category:
- Wear resistant coatings
Thermosets, 2K general epoxy
- Color:
- Gray,Green
- Compressive strength, ISO 604:
- 15400.0 psi (106.0 N/mm²)
- Drying time:
- 4.0 hr.
- Mix ratio, by volume:
- 2 : 1
- Particle size:
- Fine
How to use
Remove dirt, oil, grease etc with a suitable high pressure water cleaning system using LOCTITE SF 7840 (LOCTITE® Natural Blue® cleaner/degreaser).
Blast all surfaces to be coated with a sharp edged angular grit to a depth of profile of 75 to 100 microns, and a degree of cleanliness of Near White Metal (SIS SA 2½ /SSPC-SP 10).
After blasting, metal surfaces should be cleaned with a waterless LOCTITE® cleaner, e.g. LOCTITE SF 7365, SF 7063 or SF 7611 and allow the surface to dry before application of the product. Coat the surface before any oxidation or contamination takes place.
To avoid flash rust, repairs should be made as soon as possible. Otherwise, apply a thin coat of LOCTITE SF 7515 to all surfaces and allow to react for 1 minute. After 1 minute, blow off and dry the surface completely with clean and dry compressed air.
LOCTITE PC 7255 is offered in a dual cartridge and is used with a pnematic spray gun. Pre-heat cartridges to 50°C and maintain this temperature until spraying. When loading a fresh cartridge into the spray gun, be sure to bump out some product prior to attaching the mix nozzle to make sure that both sides flow. Then attach the static mix nozzle and purge out about half of a nozzle length of adhesive to ensure proper mixing. After purging, attach the air line to the fitting at the end of the mix nozzle so the product can be sprayed onto the work surface. Set product pressure to approximately 2 bar (30 psi) and air pressure to approximately 5 bar (70 psi) on the spray applicator.
Place nozzle in a perpendicular position to the substrate with a distance from nozzle to substrate about 30 cm. Spray onto prepared surface with even passes to ensure proper coverage. Target a film thickness per coat of 250 microns (8 mils). A minimum of 2 coats is recommended to avoid any pin holes.
Visually inspect for pinholes and misses just after application. Once the coating has cured, repeat visual inspection to confirm absence of pinholes, voids or damaged areas
Each cartridge covers 20 sq. feet at 20 mils thickness.
The correct mix nozzle is LOCTITE IDH #1248606 and the pneumatic gun used with this is LOCTITE IDH #1175530.