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Henkel Adhesive Technologies

Henkel Adhesive Technologies


Maintenance reliability services

Our experienced engineers identify process issues and provide maintenance assistance and training to better equip your maintenance staff. Empower your team with our maintenance reliability services, and save time, reduce energy costs, and improve safety.

Refinery plant equipment for pipe line oil and gas valves at gas plant pressure safety valve selective.

At a glance

$47 M

per year

Business cost due to lack of​ knowledge transfer (time,​ missed opportunities, ​delayed projects).


of manufacturers

Are facing a substantial​ shortage of people with the right skill set.

56 yrs

average age

Of skilled workers in​ manufacturing, the ​major source of skill loss.

Avoid unnecessary downtimes

Manufacturing's high retirement rates and recruitment challenges create skill gaps. As a ​result, 70% of downtime issues stem from a lack of awareness about asset maintenance requirements. Henkel training workshops address these challenges, helping manufacturers​ generate measurable results.

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Maintenance reliability services

Imagery of Loctite Services campaign.

Plant surveys

Henkel’s plant surveys include a maintenance reliability analysis that helps uncover plant challenges such as shaft misalignment, vibrational loosening, and leaks. Surveys help identify ways to improve maintenance processes and prevent downtime.

Imagery of Loctite Services campaign.

Maintenance reliability workshops

On-site maintenance reliability workshops can benefit both seasoned MRO teams and new employees. Workshops help identify the right products for maintenance processes and share expert knowledge of proactive maintenance best practices.

Imagery of Loctite Services campaign.

Henkel certified applicators

Henkel Certified Applicators are dedicated to industrial maintenance, offering professional applied engineering services and other complementary maintenance engineering services.

Our Certified Applicators are trained on surface protection and reconstruction, both in dynamic and static equipment, for composite applications, structural reinforcement systems for pipes and pressure vessels.

Contact us to connect with a local Henkel Certified Applicator.


Explore industrial maintenance and repair solutions

  • Rotating equipment

  • Static equipment

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  • A female call-center employee smiling and wearing a headset while working in an office.

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